Monday, February 23, 2009

How to hypnotize Blog

Welcome to the how to hypnotize blog!

If you are here then you are probably interested in either learning:

  • How to hypnotize others

  • How to hypnotize a person

  • How to hypnotize someone instantly

  • How to hypnotize yourself

The resources here will teach you the basic principles behind hypnosis so that when you want to learn how to hypnotize you will have a better advantage.

For a course that will seriously give you results I would recommend looking at the conversational hypnosis link to the top/right.

Feel free to browse the blog and leave any comments you would like.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Neuro linguistic programming for dummies

Neuro linguistic programming NLP can be learned by dummies and by anyone for that matter once its origins and principles have been explained. It is wise to begin with a brief history and definition and then to understand the principles that will be learned.

Neuro linguistic programming was originally founded in the 1970's by Richard Bandler and John Grinder who claimed it would be instrumental in "finding ways to help people have better, fuller and richer lives". They coined the title to denote a supposed theoretical connection between neurological processes ('neuro'), language ('linguistic') and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience ('programming') and that can be organised to achieve specific goals in life. To put this in a simpler way "Neuro" stands for the way our brain processes information, "Linguistic" is obviously language and "Programming" is the way that we subconsciously respond to information that our brain processes.

NLP was originally promoted by Bandler and Grinder as an extraordinarily effective and rapid form of psychological therapy, capable of addressing the full range of problems which psychologists are likely to encounter, such as phobias, depression, habit disorder, psychosomatic illnesses, learning disorders. This concept has been so successful that hypnotherapists still use these techniques to this day with incredible results.

The principle of Neuro linguistic programming is that everyone has been programmed since birth. A good example of this is if someone told you to jump off a cliff the common response is, "no that is dangerous". Your mind is programmed to have this response when the words "jump" and "cliff" are in the same sentence. This triggers an immediate response that your parents taught you as infants which is "no"! This translates into every aspect of your life whether it is regarding dating, work, and habits that you have and want to change. By using Neuro linguistic programming you can change your normal reactions to by creating a new program in your brain that will react differently then the way you normally do.

The best way to learn Neuro linguistic programming is by taking a training course. It is very important that you train yourself in this technique because it is not something that will happen over night, however if you put the time in you will get results. The best course available is Learn Hypnosis from Wendi. Wendi Friesen is a Clinical Hypnotherapist that has been researching Neuro linguistic programming for over 12 years with over 100,000's of world wide clients.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

using hypnosis cds for public speaking

The use of hypnosis cds for public speaking is a powerful concept. Most people get trapped on their pride and/or insecurities thinking that I am pathetic looking for help through hypnosis cds but nothing could be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is that if you want to become the best you possibly can at public speaking then you should use the best tools available to assist you achieve this goal. Public Speaking mastery is an extremely high quality aid and if you are looking to mastering your public speaking you will seriously use this product. Below is an outline of what is provided so that you can understand how beneficial this is.

Magnetism- Become irresistible and confident and spontaneous. After experiencing this session, you will notice that other people just love to be around you. Your magnetism and charisma will get stronger every time you listen. Once you learn to amplify your magnetism it will affect your audience and draw them closer. They will enjoy being close to you, learning more, excited to hear anything you have to say (and buy what you are selling).

Parallel World- This is based on a concept by Win Wenger (author of the Einstein Factor). You will travel to an alternate universe and meet the person you would be if you were raised by the best parents in the best schools, with the people who were supportive and inspiring. You will experience yourself as a masterful speaker who has a natural talent to affect audiences and love every moment of it! All your best qualities and talents are allowed to be fully realized on this alternate world. This one session is worth the price of the entire program. It changed my life.

Circle of Excellence- What you think, you become. You will teach your brain to experience your confident state as a powerful speaker that will feel real in your subconscious mind. Next you will create an anchor for this state. All of your best speaking qualities will be amplified in this circle. Your fearless nature, your sense of humor, your spontaneous wit, will all be amplified. Next, you will experience yourself on stage, in front of a group of people. You will feel what it’s like to dazzle your audience and be genuine and interesting.
You can use this circle of excellence for just about any situation where you will need increased confidence. This session allows you to correct any subconscious state that has fear and infuse it with confidence and charisma!

Core Confidence- A deep trance session that teaches your brain to access confident states from the past and create resourceful states from the future and integrate them all to your current state of mind. You will create this powerful state and apply it specifically to speaking. This track can change some core issues and create a confident state that you draw from internally. You don’t have to try to be confident, it will simply feel like the most natural thing to do. And isn’t that what it’s all about?

Deep Trance Training- This session will help your brain to achieve deep states of trance. Using this session is an easy way to teach your brain how to use the powerful state of self hypnosis.

Borrowed Genius- Put yourself in the mind of a speaker who you consider to be a genius. Your subconscious mind will absorb new creative resources for speaking, and build skills you didn’t previously have. You will discover how to integrate these higher level abilities in your seminars and presentations. This is inspired by Win Wenger, the author of the Einstein factor. Buy the book, it is fabulous.

The Creative Genius Program- To help you get your creative juices flowing.

Love the Stage- You will learn to love speaking in front of groups.

Relaxed and Magnificent- Put your mind into the state that you need just before speaking. You will be relaxed, spontaneous and excited about getting on stage.

Connect & Inspire- when you look in the eyes of your audience, you will see warmth, connection, and increase your confidence. The eyes in the audience become your trigger to relax and love being on stage.

Borrowed Genius- Choose a person that you know, who is an excellent speaker or performer. When you put yourself into their mind and body, you will absorb the strength, charisma and feel completely at home on stage.

Five Minute Relax to the Max- you can use this quick five minute technique anywhere, anytime to relax and center yourself.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ericksonian hypnosis

Ericksonian Hypnosis is a very special kind of hypnosis that does not involve hypnotic induction. below is a history of the man himself and a course available to learn his techniques.

Milton H. Erickson, M.D. was one of the most influential post-war hypnotherapists. He wrote several books and journal articles on the subject. During the 1960s, Erickson was responsible for popularizing a new branch of hypnotherapy, which became known as Ericksonian hypnotherapy, eventually characterized by, amongst other things, the absence of a formal hypnotic inductions, and the use of indirect suggestion, "metaphor" (actually they were analogies, rather than "metaphors"), confusion techniques, and double binds. However, the lack of resemblance between Erickson's methods and those of traditional hypnotism led some of his contemporaries, such as André Weitzenhoffer, to seriously question whether he was actually practising "hypnosis" at all, and the status of his approach in relation to traditional hypnotism has remained in question. Erickson had no hesitation in presenting any suggested effect as being "hypnosis", whether or not the subject was in a hypnotic state. In fact, he was not hesitant in passing off behavior that was dubiously hypnotic as being hypnotic.

The course available that will teach you ericksonian hypnosis is the power of conversational hypnosis which has been developed to follow the principles laid down by the late Milton Erickson.

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Conversational Hypnosis - Learning conversational hypnosis

In order to understand the concepts of conversational hypnosis we must first understand the concepts of hypnosis. The word "hypnosis" or "hypnotism" are both derived from the term "neuro-hypnotism" which means nervous sleep coined by the Scottish physician and surgeon James Braid. Most people think that hypnosis is a state of unconsciousness but this according to modern day research is not true. It is in fact a wakeful state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility and diminished peripheral awareness. What this means is that in order to hypnotize somebody they must be able to interact with you. Of course interaction simply means that a person can respond to another persons actions or stimuli.

By understanding hypnosis in this way it is much easier to understand how "conversational hypnosis" came about. Igor Ledochowski's methods and techniques are similar to any other hypnotist however he has the experience of hypnotherapy. Now a hypnotist and a hypnotherapist are not the same thing so this is the next layer of the onion that we must peel away in order to understand how "conversational hypnosis" came about.

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis for therapeutic situation meaning that it is about influencing people over time to resolve personal issues like weight loss, treatment of skin disease, habit control, sport performance to name a few. It can be broken up into 3 subcategories which are regression hypnotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy. I will not go into regression and cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy (for more information simply follow the links) because Igor studied Ericksonian hypnotherapy which I will explain now. Ericksonian hypnotherapy was named after Milton Erickson who's techniques lacked hypnotic induction, he used indirect suggestion, analogies (rather than metaphors), confusion techniques and double binds. So you can see that this type of hypnotherapy is about direct persuasion with out the subject being in a "nervous sleep".

As you are beginning to see it is starting to make sense now. The art of "conversational hypnosis" is about being able to persuade a person with whom you are interacting by taking control of the conversation and manipulating the other persons perspective. In this way you can control their thought patterns and reactions by using techniques that are very similar to the Ericksonian hypnotherapy principals.

The goal of this overview was to make the concept of "conversational hypnosis" clearer to understand and in this way easier to learn. I hope that this goal was accomplished and that you now have a better understanding of what "conversational hypnosis" is about. In order to understand the concepts of conversational hypnosis we must first understand the concepts of hypnosis. The word "hypnosis" or "hypnotism" are both derived from the term "neuro-hypnotism" which means nervous sleep coined by the Scottish physician and surgeon James Braid. Most people think that hypnosis is a state of unconsciousness but this according to modern day research is not true. It is in fact a wakeful state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility and diminished peripheral awareness. What this means is that in order to hypnotize somebody they must be able to interact with you. Of course interaction simply means that a person can respond to another persons actions or stimuli.

By understanding hypnosis in this way it is much easier to understand how "conversational hypnosis" came about. Igor Ledochowski's methods and techniques are similar to any other hypnotist however he has the experience of hypnotherapy. Now a hypnotist and a hypnotherapist are not the same thing so this is the next layer of the onion that we must peel away in order to understand how "conversational hypnosis" came about.

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis for therapeutic situation meaning that it is about influencing people over time to resolve personal issues like weight loss, treatment of skin disease, habit control, sport performance to name a few. It can be broken up into 3 subcategories which are regression hypnotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy. I will not go into regression and cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy (for more information simply follow the links) because Igor studied Ericksonian hypnotherapy which I will explain now. Ericksonian hypnotherapy was named after Milton Erickson who's techniques lacked hypnotic induction, he used indirect suggestion, analogies (rather than metaphors), confusion techniques and double binds. So you can see that this type of hypnotherapy is about direct persuasion with out the subject being in a "nervous sleep".

As you are beginning to see it is starting to make sense now. The art of "conversational hypnosis" is about being able to persuade a person with whom you are interacting by taking control of the conversation and manipulating the other persons perspective. In this way you can control their thought patterns and reactions by using techniques that are very similar to the Ericksonian hypnotherapy principals.

The goal of this overview was to make the concept of "conversational hypnosis" clearer to understand and in this way easier to learn. I hope that this goal was accomplished and that you now have a better understanding of what "conversational hypnosis" is about. The best available is the power of conversational hypnosis and I highly recommend using it to achieve your goals.

How to Hypnotize yourself to improve your sport performance

Everyone wants to be able to improve their sports performance and learning how to hypnotize yourself to achieve this is not as crazy as it sounds. The best athletes in the world have a desire to be the best and work tirelessly to achieve this. The smartest athletes in the world train their technique until it is instilled in themselves so that even on a crappy day they can still compete at a high level and allow their self conscious to take over.

So when learning how to hypnotize yourself you must look at what you need to improve about your performance. Is it driving to the finish and not giving up to soon or is it a technique issue where it needs to be improved. If the issue is about your self drive then you need to analyze yourself and remember what thoughts go through your mind when you are giving up. Remember these thoughts because these are the thought patterns that you must change and self hypnosis can help. You must use hypnosis to make your reactions to these thoughts a stimulant to do the opposite of what you normally do. Here is an example of a Rugby player:

It is the 70th minute of the game and you are defending, the opposing player breaks your tackle and is running for the line. Thoughts in your mind are I am so tired, he is so fast, the game is over and I can not catch him. This is where the use of self hypnosis is used to change your reaction to these phrases. You stimulate your mind to think I want to work harder, he is fast but I am faster, the game is never over. Self hypnosis makes these reactions the only option that you give yourself to the information processing in your mind.

The other way to improve your performance is using self hypnosis to make you technique improve. Technique is incredibly difficult to master because your mind has to process so much information at the same time. Self hypnosis helps this because it allows your mind to react to your thoughts and suggestions without argument. I will use an example of learning a back flip.

When you learn the technique of a back flip (feet to feet) you must throw your straight arms to the sky while you jump, after jumping you must drive your arms down and tuck your knees to your chest. Now when learning this technique the most common thought going through someones mind is I do not want to land on my head. Self hypnosis is used to make your mind only focus on arms to the sky, jump and tuck without hesitation. This can allow you to learn a back flip in one session instead of taking a month to overcome fear.

So as you can see learning how to hypnotize yourself can improve your sports performance exponentially. The only way that you can learn this is by taking a course and the best course available is Improve at your Game with sports hypnosis. Have a look at it and take the step to improving your sports performance beyond your wildest dreams.

Improve your game - Self hypnosis for golf.

Using self hypnosis to improve your game of golf is not a ridiculous idea at all, in fact it is the best thing that you can do to improve your game. The question of hypnosis and how to use it for a better game of golf is simply this. Golf is about technique and technique is about making your body follow the correct pattern of movement and the idea of self hypnosis starts to make sense.

Let us look at the golf swing, which is the key to improving your game of golf. There are so many things to remember when you are learning your swing, even professionals have to constantly practice this technique.

- The bend of the knees,
- relaxed grip of the club,
- keep head down,
- swing through hips and shoulders,
- let the swing do the work and dont force it.

Now the way to learn something and more importantly master it is to concentrate on one thing at a time. You have to make sure your mind and body understands how to follow the correct movement pattern of each part of the golf swing. This means that your mind must not be distracted and it has to focus solely on what you must do in your swing opposed to "dont screw this up" or "I have to get this in". Instead the mind should be focusing on head down, relax, feel the swing through the hips, wait for the length of the swing. This is where self hypnosis becomes the ultimate opportunity to improve your golf game beyond your wildest dreams.

Self hypnosis is a way of putting your mind into a state where it can process information given to it without any other thought being dominant. So the way to use self hypnosis for your golf game is to do it the night before you plan on playing. This is a technique used by professional sports people across all sports where you concentrate on your technique before falling asleep. You put yourself in a relaxed state and use phrases that remind you about proper technique, one step at a time. Your mind is processing this information and continues to while you sleep. This means that your mind has been processing this information for a few hours. Once you wake you repeat the process to refresh your mind and then proceed to your event or training. Once you are playing your game your use the same phrases and analogies that you used the night before and refresh this information yet again. The result is that your mind has been reprogrammed to react in a way that goes over the technique in a consecutive order. This means that you will focus wholly on the complete golf swing from start to finish without letting your mind get distracted mid way.

Self hypnosis is not something that you can pick up over night with out a training course. This is obvious and the best training course available is Improve at your Game - Self-Hypnosis for Golf by Clinical Hypnotherapist Wendi Friesen. It is much easier then hypnotizing yourself because it provides self hypnosis cds that allow you achieve your golf game much more efficiently.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

hypnosis relaxation, a self hypnosis technique.

Achieving relaxation is a goal that can be reached by self hypnosis and it can be done by anyone. The hypnosis relaxation techniques are different to meditation and can take you about 20 minutes to achieve. If for some reason you are to tired to do hypnosis to yourself then you can use self hypnosis cds also.

The first step to achieving hypnosis relaxation is to put yourself in a calm state that will allow your mind to process your suggestions. The easiest way to do this is to be in a dark place where you can sit or lay down, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. As you take each deep breath feel your body all the way from your head to your toes. Continue to do this until you are fully aware of your body and there is nothing else on your mind. Once this step is finished you will have hypnotically inducted yourself, which means that you have put your mind into a suggestible state.

The next step to achieve relaxation through hypnosis is to talk to yourself an use relaxing suggestions. Keep it simple and just tell yourself that you feel great, that your muscles are like jelly, that you are feeling tired, and phrases similar to this. The use of relaxation suggestions is so that you can further input relaxing thoughts into your mind so that your mind does not wonder into other thoughts, it is quite amazing how this works because the human brain is a powerful thing that is capable of processing a huge amount of information at one time. By focusing solely on relaxation you can imagine how effective this self hypnosis technique is.

The other option of achieving relaxation through self hypnosis is by using self hypnosis cds. This would mean that you simply sit yourself down in a comfortable spot and let the hypnosis cds provide you with the induction and relaxation suggestions. This is a much easier way of achieving relaxation through hypnosis but you do not need to use it if you do not wish to. The best hypnosis training courses and cds available are from Wendi Friesen CHT Learn Hypnosis from Wendi. I highly recommend using her products because they are quality and you do get what you pay for.

Learn How to Hypnotize Someone

So you want to learn how to hypnotize someone, well in order to do so you must understand that hypnosis is about communication between the hypnotist and the other someone. That you must understand the concept of Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP and above all to constantly practice and train yourself.

So hypnosis is about communication, not telling an unconscious person what to do. Here is an official definition of hypnosis:

Hypnosis is a mental state (state theory) or set of attitudes (nonstate theory) usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction, which is commonly composed of a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. Hypnotic suggestions may be delivered by a hypnotist in the presence of the subject ("hetero-hypnosis"), or may be self-administered ("self-hypnosis" or "autohypnosis").

As you can see it is important to understand that when you want to hypnotize someone they must be conscious so that their mind can process information. Of course you must put their mind in a suggestive state hence the hypnotic induction. This is a way of figuratively "warming up the subjects mind" so that they are more likely to listen to your suggestion and influence. Hypnotic Induction can be as simple as telling the subject to close their eyes and take 5 - 10 deep breaths, slow down their breathing, to get as comfortable as possible or creating a scenario in their mind where they would feel the most suggestible. Once this is done you have will have increased your chance of hypnotizing them exponentially. You can probably relate to this usually when you are in a good mood you tend to be a lot more open to ideas of going for a run, or mowing the lawn opposed to when you are in a bad mood and usually any idea is a negative. This point leads on to the next one of Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP.

In order to properly learn how to hypnotize someone you must understand what NLP is and how it connects to hypnosis. Nuero linguistic programming in the simplest form of definition is the way our mind reacts to certain phrases. Let us look at the example of mowing the lawn. Usually when you are asked to mow the lawn the immediate reaction is I do not want to do that. The reason being that our mind associates this phrase with work, which is hard and something that we want to avoid. The point of hypnosis is to use our NLP's in a way to make the subject react in the way that we desire. So when learning how to hypnotize someone it is important to understand the basic reactions to common phrases used. The most important thing to remember is that people tend to react once they are given positive information to process as opposed to immediately dismissing negative information. Use the advantage of someone being in a good mood and you will usually be able to convince them to do pretty much anything.

Learning how to hypnotize someone is about practice and training yourself in the correct techniques. It is absolutely imperative that you take a training course if you wish to learn hypnosis. Remember that anyone can learn hypnosis, it is not something that is only available for a select few, hypnosis is something that you can learn as long as you are willing to put in some time. The best training course available is the power of conversational hypnosis and I highly recommend it. If you are serious about results then do not waste any more time and take the step today.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming procrastination is one of the hardest things to do and not being able to do this causes a lot of time to be wasted in our lives. Everyone suffers from this problem but that does not mean that overcoming procrastination can not be achieved. It takes a change in our attitude and control of will where hypnosis becomes a very useful tool.

First we must ask ourselves what is procrastination? Why is overcoming it so difficult? The reason for this is that our minds are trained to put off hard work until it is necessary. This happens in our day to day lives whether it is mowing the lawn or cleaning the house or as simple as calling a person for a date. It is obvious how much time is wasted through procrastination and how overcoming it will offer so many opportunities to you. Once you become proactive with your time then you continue to achieve goals faster and this is how all the successful people in the world think. So how can you become like them?

The way of overcoming procrastination is by changing your thought patterns. You must change your reaction to the thought of a "difficult task". Hypnosis is the best technique to accomplish this because it changes the way that your mind reacts to certain linguistic patterns, meaning that instead of dreading the task that is before you, you will jump at the opportunity and want to accomplish it as soon as possible. Imagine how much time you will save and how much you will get done if you can achieve this today. You will have all your tasks done and have so much time left in your day you can spoil yourself for an hour or so without feeling guilt.

The best hypnosis course that deals with overcoming procrastination is Stop Procrastination (Now) with Hypnosis by acclaimed Clinical Hypnotherapist Wendi Friesen. This course has given amazing results and it can also help you so take the step today.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hypnosis and smoking

At the moment 1.2 billion people smoke in the world which illustrates that smoking is a huge issue in the world. So how does hypnosis and smoking relate to each other? Well smoking, like all addictions, is a psychological affection which means that the best way to stop your addiction is by changing your thought patterns.

Hypnosis is about Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP. What this means is that our minds are programmed to react to certain words or phrases. The concept of hypnosis is about learning the Nuero Linguistic Programming patterns that affect us and being able to change them. In order to understand how hypnosis can help our smoking read the following analogy.

Now think about this analogy and you will begin to understand how hypnosis can help a smoking addiction.

You have been put in charge of a new project at work and its deadline has been changed from 3 months to 2 months. The thoughts going through your head are that is not enough time, your timetable is useless now, if you screw this up you will lose this job that you need... all this stress, I need a smoke to relax.

Does this sound familiar? Can you see how certain phrases and words created those very common reactions. The way in which hypnosis helps us in this situation is to change our though process when these phrases come to our minds.

Being able to quit smoking is a huge step in anyones life because it gives you an accomplishment that proves a strength of character, allows you to save time to focus on other things like family, career and hobbies. Imagine the what you could do with the money you would save by quitting smoking! If you seriously want to quit smoking then hypnosis is a guaranteed answer to solve this issue.

The highest recommended hypnotherapy for smokers is Quit Smoking the easy way -- with Hypnosis. It is developed by Wendi Friesen CHT Clinical Hypnotherapist who has been in the industry for over 10 years and has appeared on local and national TV and radio shows.

Hypnosis Weight Loss

Being over weight is a very serious issue in today’s society. Millions of people suffer from obesity and the question is how do you change your life and overcome this problem and how does hypnosis relate to weight.

Being over weight is a psychological issue and not a physical one. When your mind and emotions are vulnerable then you will always want to go somewhere where you can be comforted. For most of us the easiest way to comfort our bodies and minds is through beautiful sensations brought on by food which gives us a short term solution to our long term situation. It becomes a cycle where you are depressed because you are over weight and you eat because you are depressed (sound familiar). Now you can begin to understand how hypnosis can help with this issue of weight.

Hypnosis has been used for decades to cure people from addictions and psychological affections. Hypnosis is used to influence the mind patterns of subjects in a positive way which means that the use of hypnosis in weight issues is a way to change your association of feeling depressed with the solution of food. Do not be worried that your mind will change, it will simply create an alternative reaction to being depressed for example: someone made a comment about your appearance and instead of feeling down you feel the opposite, which is motivated to prove them wrong. Losing weight is about confidence in yourself and hypnosis is a concept that allows you to increase your confidence in yourself and the situations you are in.

So how can you or a loved one make the step of using hypnosis to challenge your weight issues? This answer is very simple and it is to stop waiting for something to happen and to make it happen right now. You must take charge of your life and decide that this is what is going to change the way you view your life. The easiest way to achieve this goal is to use hypnosis to take control of your weight and begin your amazing journey.

The highest recommended hypnosis weight program is from Wendi Friesen CHT Clinical Hypnotherapist called “ The Zen of Thin, weight loss through hypnosis
”. It provides hours of support and programs that will help you achieve a slimmer and happier you.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to Hypnotize

In order to know how to hypnotize someone it is important to understand what hypnosis is, the subject who is being hypnotized, techniques to influence the subject and using these techniques to make the subject react in the way you want. Anyone can learn to hypnotize but it is imperative that a training course is done. The highest recommended and affordable training course is the power of conversational hypnosis.

If you want to know how to hypnotize someone you must first understand what hypnosis is. Common misconception is that the subject is unconscious but this can not be further from the truth. Here is an official definition according to the father of hypnosis James Braid:

[...] the real origin and essence of the hypnotic condition, is the induction of a habit of abstraction or mental concentration, in which, as in reverie or spontaneous abstraction, the powers of the mind are so much engrossed with a single idea or train of thought, as, for the nonce, to render the individual unconscious of, or indifferently conscious to, all other ideas, impressions, or trains of thought. The hypnotic sleep, therefore, is the very antithesis or opposite mental and physical condition to that which precedes and accompanies common sleep [...]

Therefore hypnosis is about interaction between you and the subject, giving the subject information to process in order for them to react in the way you desire. This is the most important thing to understand when you want to know how to hypnotize someone, that it is an interaction between two conscious persons.

If you want to know how to hypnotize a subject it is important to understand who that subject is. The reason being for this is because we need to understand what their thought patterns are like in order to be able to influence these thought patterns. This is actually not as hard as it sounds. About 95% of the population have the same thought patterns (e.g. you scratch you arm equals pain and discomfort) and the remaining 5% are very rare. Once you understand how the subject will react to certain information given then it is much easier to use the correct techniques of hypnotism to influence these reactions to the outcome you desire. Remember understand your subject before beginning the next step of hypnotism.

What are the hypnosis techniques used if you want to know how to hypnotize someone? A hypnotic induction is the beginning (but not always necessary), which is a way of putting the subject in a suggestive state. Usually this is about relaxing the subject so their mind is not a “clutter” of thoughts but processing one piece of information at a time. The next step is to use analogies, indirect suggestion, confusion techniques to name a few, in order to use the subjects thought patterns to steer their usual reactions in your desired way. Depending on your level of experience and training your desired outcome can be achieved without a hypnotic induction. If you want to know how to hypnotize without hypnotic induction the techniques stemmed from Milton Erickson are the best to use. They can be found at the link below.

Using the correct hypnotic techniques is the goal that everyone has when they want to know how to hypnotize someone. Let us begin with the hypnotic induction. To relax someone and clear their thoughts can be as simple as lying them down, closing their eyes, taking a few deep breaths, giving them an analogy of lying in a field with a cool breeze. You have probably had a point in your life where this has been used on you simply to clear your thoughts. When it comes to hypnotizing someone you must use their thought patterns to your advantage. An example is of someone who has to work tomorrow so they do not want to go out tonight. Use the fact that ‘work’ has a negative reaction and ‘go out’ and ‘fun’ has positive reactions. They key is to use the positive as much as possible and link one analogy to another for example: Going out is a time of great memories with good friends that lasts forever. This stimulates memories of other great times of going out and creates a reaction of wanting to recreate those feelings. There are many other techniques but the principle is the same so when you want to know how to hypnotize someone you must train these techniques in order to achieve your desired outcome.

In order to know how to hypnotize someone you must understand hypnosis, your subject, the hypnotic techniques and knowing how to implement them. If you are interested in learning these techniques the best training course available is the power of conversational hypnosis. I highly recommend it and if you take the time to follow the steps and train yourself you will not only know how to hypnotize someone you will be able to hypnotize them.